Cooling much more than industrial sheds
Workplaces must never achieve microclimatic conditions that are prohibitive, or even uncomfortable, for those working in them. This is a simple consideration that relates to the health and dignity of workers, but regarding the profitability of the company. In fact, as many university studies show, the temperature and the humidity of the workplace have a significant influence on sick leave and daily productivity.
Therefore, cooling a workplace is not only about preserving the well-being of employees, but also about making an investment that will make your company more prolific, productive and efficient.
An investment to ensure a working environment with greater well-being and productivity
For many years, Art-Eco has been promoting this culture of environmental well-being in the workplace, thanks to “green” products that keep the microclimate of production areas under control, but also with an eye on running costs and eco-sustainability. Our coolers, based on a simple and natural operating principle, can be used in many different situations. With a low energy consumption, they allow to reduce the temperatures of areas of different sizes, adjusting the air flow rate, and therefore the power consumption, as required.
In previous articles, we have often discussed how fixed cooling systems can be used to regulate the temperature and humidity of industrial sheds, warehouses and production departments, and how this can be done taking advantage of the tax benefits contemplated by the New Transition Plan 4.0. Today, however, we want to focus our attention on portable coolers and how they can be used in mechanical and crafts workshops.
Portable coolers and their operation
Significant advances in vaccination increasingly require the opening of new vaccination centres in addition to outpatient clinics and hospital facilities, normally reserved for those most at risk.
Therefore, many temporary Covid-19 vaccination centres are being set up, often consisting of tents and tensile structures, where with the arrival of the summer heat the possibility of high temperatures is a real issue.
On the other hand, the use of conventional air conditioners is definitely not recommended during the pandemic. Moreover, such a solution would not be suitable for open structures.
It is however necessary that the microclimate of the waiting rooms and vaccination administration areas of the Covid-19 vaccination centres is as pleasant as possible, both for the working medical staff and those receiving the vaccine, who will have to rest for a few minutes afterwards, and therefore, need a cool and healthy environment. Art-Eco is actively pursuing multiple requests from vaccination centres in different locations around the country for wheeled portable coolers. The projects we are working on, some of which have already been completed, involve the use of our portable coolers, which allow cool and clean air to be introduced into tensile structures of all sizes, with machines of different models, in different quantities and positioned as specifically required.
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on evaporative cooling
Carefree cooling with portable ECOOL coolers
People working in Covid-19 vaccination centres need to focus well on their work and do their best to ensure that the flow of the many people to be vaccinated is as smooth as possible. For this purpose, it is necessary to have a cooling system that is easy to use and does not require frequent adjustments; our portable coolers perfectly fulfil these requirements.
The portable coolers of the ECOOL range have, in addition to the possibility of permanent connection to the water mains, a large water tank that allows continuous operation for many hours without the need for interventions on the machine. On the other hand, their low power consumption and ease of use make them flexible and practical solutions for the various situations that can occur in practice in tensile structures used as Covid-19 vaccination centres.
Furthermore, something that should certainly not be overlooked during this pandemic is that evaporative adiabatic coolers work by ensuring a constant air change, a characteristic that drastically reduces the chances of transmission of the Covid-19 virus or any other pathogens.
Our coolers are increasingly being installed in Covid-19 vaccination centres
It is no coincidence that fixed or portable coolers are used with open windows and doors or in areas that are by their very nature open, like outdoor areas, tensile structures for trade fairs and events or gazebos for receptions, giving a pleasant sensation of perceived coolness and a flow of air that is always purified. In addition, there are also specific situations, such as food industry departments, where there is a need to cool rooms that must, however, remain closed in order to avoid possible contamination with the outside: in this case, air extractors can be installed to ensure circulation.
In conclusion, Art-Eco is receiving more and more requests from Covid-19 vaccination centres from all over Italy, precisely because of the characteristics of its portable coolers and its professional expertise in recommending the best technical solutions. We will do our best, as always, to live up to the trust placed in our company, happy to contribute, as far as our areas of competence, in this important moment for the recovery of the country.