How does infrared heating work?
There are different heat propagation systems, specifically three different methods: conduction, convection, and radiation. Assuming all work well, let’s evaluate the advantages of our infrared radiation heating system with infrared heating lamps.
Among the most advanced comfort technologies, infrared heating utilizes the benefits of radiation through electromagnetic waves that heat bodies and objects, rather than the air. This allows significant energy savings because there is no loss of energy efficiency dissipated in the double passage between the heater and air, and between air and objects and/or people, as in traditional heating systems.
Heat dispersion is minimal, allowing for dry environments, concentrated heat production in specific areas (directional), without raising dust or creating clutter. Infrared radiation heating creates ideal comfort conditions for humans without generating convective motion. The air is cleaner and healthier, without creating dust recirculation that dirties and causes allergies, producing noise-free, odorless, smoke-free, and soot-free heat.
Sustainable technologies for the planet and for the wallet.
Heating with lamps undoubtedly has the lowest purchase and installation costs, in addition to practically zero annual maintenance. To these advantages, others can be added, such as the fact that it doesn’t require specific planning, and there are no constraints or issues related to firefighting systems, local health authorities, dedicated technical rooms, and chimneys. Most importantly, it’s crucial not to forget that the system designed in this way is entirely dismantlable and movable in a simple and cost-effective manner, in case the internal layout of the warehouse needs to be modified for any reason.
The absence of maintenance for our system sets it apart from any other heating system that requires much more effort and the presence of specialists for combustion control and cleaning, regulation and safety equipment, as well as for heating elements or air filters. A radiant heating system offers great flexibility and allows activating only the areas that need heat, without any additional cost.
The advantages in terms of safety.
From a safety perspective, the advantages stem from the absence of gas and any other combustible material. Several studies also assert that infrared rays are not harmful to health; in fact, they boost the immune system and increase vascularization, improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, muscles, and connective tissues. Practical confirmation comes from the use of infrared rays to warm newborns in pediatric incubators, and they find wide application in various medical and therapeutic fields.
Discussing heating systems today involves delving into a topic that ranges from energy efficiency to European and national laws that are becoming increasingly stringent regarding the efficiency and safety of these systems. In this regard, it’s important to note that our products are accompanied by a Technical Certificate of Conformity CE, CeSNIR Report for the risk of exposure to artificial optical radiation, and Thermographic Report.