When the Cooling System does not satisfy
It is happening more and more often lately that we are contacted by companies where evaporative adiabatic coolers have already been installed, dissatisfied with the result obtained; this is due to incorrect sizing and improper installation. We do not hide the fact that, not infrequently, this lack of effectiveness of the system has led some entrepreneurs to have a certain lack of confidence in the evaporative cooling system applied to workplaces in general. It is therefore necessary to clearly illustrate the benefits derived from the Adiabatic system which, if handled by professionals, can bring great benefits in industrial warehouses, production plants, warehouses, and factories. The choice of positioning, power, and the appropriate number of coolers is an activity that must necessarily be carried out precisely, attentively, and scrupulously; all while considering the various design aspects that are often overlooked by less prepared companies and installers. Relying on improvisation, often in search of savings, risks resulting in an industrial evaporative adiabatic cooling system that does not achieve the purposes for which it was designed; and it is precisely in these cases that corrective action by Art-Eco is requested.
Projecting industrial cooling systems.
Every industrial workplace to be cooled presents very different characteristics from others and can significantly influence the performance of the system itself; from the height of the roofs to the structure, characteristics and dimensions, to the position, weights, and flow rates, and finally the technical-structural requirements. The design of an industrial cooling system must necessarily start from a series of structural data on the workplace to be treated, which are collected and analyzed directly on-site. Art-Eco has always focused heavily on the design phase of a cooling system because it is well aware that it is a key moment for the success of the entire intervention; only through careful and well-structured planning, with the involvement of the customer, will it be possible to meet the expressed needs, addressing each situation with the critical aspects that arise from time to time.
Intervening on existing cooling systems.
As mentioned above, it happens that Art-Eco is contacted by those who already own an evaporative adiabatic cooling system and are not completely satisfied with its performance and operation. Often, unfortunately, these are projects executed without proper craftsmanship and attention to all the numerous factors at play, thus requiring a new design study to integrate or replace the currently installed coolers and thus, with the least possible financial commitment from the customer, achieve a system that fully meets the requirements. By working closely with the customer, we are able to gather precise and thorough information necessary to address the various issues and specific requests of the company; all with the aim of creating an industrial cooling system that can best meet the expressed needs. However, our work does not end with the installation of coolers but continues with a series of after-sales activities and services usually highly appreciated by our customers, which will also help our machines to last as long as possible over time. By relying on Art-Eco’s experience, the best microclimate can finally be achieved in industrial workplaces, preserving the psychophysical well-being of workers while maintaining convenient economic management and the utmost attention to environmental respect. Intervening on existing industrial cooling systems that are not entirely satisfactory means for us at Art-Eco to provide our customers with the maximum support to finally realize an evaporative cooling system capable of making working conditions inside warehouses, warehouses, and production departments more pleasant, increasing the well-being of operators and their productivity.