What does that mean?

The Ecological Transition, also known as the Green Revolution, is one of the pillars and is an essential direction for future development. It deals with the major issues of energy efficiency, water resources, and pollution, in order to improve the sustainability of the entire system, ensuring a fair and inclusive transition to a zero environmental impact society.

Adiabatic evaporative cooling to promote ecological transition.

The ecological transition is also and above all a process of transformation of consumption and production styles aimed at combating climate change caused by human activity. Sustainable and eco-friendly growth means reducing harmful emissions, preferring the use of “clean” technologies. In this regard, our Evaporative Coolers represent a real revolution in terms of sustainability and are designed to guarantee minimal environmental impact. In contrast to traditional air conditioning systems, evaporative coolers are powered exclusively by water, using very little electricity.

A completely green system.

Adiabatic cooling is ideal for cooling medium and large-sized environments, such as production plants, companies, and industrial warehouses, avoiding the dispersion of potentially toxic liquids. This particular and innovative technology does not use the refrigerant fluid used by traditional air conditioning systems, but is based exclusively on evaporation. Evaporative Coolers consume much less than traditional air conditioning systems, quickly lowering temperatures and creating an ideal microclimate that increases productivity and makes work more enjoyable. They offer a more economical and environmentally friendly solution, in line with the objectives of the ecological transition.

Cooling large industrial environments can be energy-intensive, with considerable economic expenditure. More and more companies are carrying out a requalification of their spaces, disposing of old systems and opting for decidedly more economical and ecological smart solutions.

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