The best method for humidity management in industrial environment: air exchange.
The most advantageous solution to prevent the accumulation of moisture and mold in the home is definitely to implement a valid, automatic and continuous air exchange.
The ventilation of rooms can effectively remove not only the moisture that is produced inside the building, but also allows the elimination of all other pollutants found within it such as particulate matter, VOCs, the possible presence of emulsified gases and oils, without forgetting that in order to breathe we need to continuously inhale oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.
An effective and efficient air exchange must first and foremost be continuous, it should operate during all 24 hours, it shall allow the evacuation of pollutants while avoiding their accumulation, and possibly not unnecessarily dissipate the heat contained in the outgoing air.
How to create adequate air exchange in working environments.
To create proper air exchange, in industrial and production environments, there are two methods: natural ventilation and forced ventilation.
Natural ventilation consists of the natural realization of air changes, which occurs spontaneously through openings of doors, gates, domes, windows and fenestrations, all properly sized, positioned and proportioned.
ùVentilation, on the other hand, consists of the realization of the necessary air changes in a forced manner through motorized extraction systems, possibly regulated with sensors and probes.
Mixed, also called hybrid, systems are possible where natural and forced ventilation operate in a coordinated and assisted mode.
Natural systems are achieved very easily and without expense; in fact, it is a matter of using existing and present openings. With these methods, however, the amounts of reciprocated air are highly dependent on external conditions such as wind intensity and building exposure. If, for example, this is located in a protected position, perhaps between other buildings, with the openings on one side only, and moreover in a geographical area of generally calm air, with natural ventilation the results obtained will be very modest.
It should also not be forgotten that where air passes, noise also passes, and this aspect can be decisive in those areas subject to high noise levels or vehicular traffic, even at night, or near very noisy production activities. With mechanical ventilation and forced ventilation systems, through the aid of extraction towers and extractors, it is possible not only to compensate for poor natural ventilation (few or no openings) but also to adjust air changes automatically according to the needs of the occupants, including individual preferences.
The most effective and convenient air exchange system always remains the dual system, in which there is the contribution of the natural method and that of the forced mechanical system.