How does one design a cooling system?
Art-Eco has always had two main goals: to provide workers with optimal working conditions and respect the environment. And we believe that these can be the two cornerstones on which to build all the arguments regarding the use of our evaporative adiabatic coolers, especially in the industrial sector.
There is no doubt, in fact, that their use is very important to improve the microclimate conditions inside industrial sheds, warehouses and production departments, where the thermal load caused by the machinery used often adds to the external climate conditions, with resulting high temperatures that can create quite a few problems for the occupants.
When we design a new industrial cooling system, we use all our skills, knowledge and years of experience to find the optimal solution for each situation, depending on the volume of the working environment, the expected number of occupants and the type of machinery in the area.
Thanks to the experience accumulated over the years, our technicians always know how to recommend a tailor-made solution for different environmental conditions
The design of an industrial cooling system can also be complex, although it is based on a simple principle: air coming from the outside, passing through a panel soaked with water, gives up some of its heat and is forced by a fan into the environment being treated, therefore also replacing the stale air already there.
The simplicity of this method is synonymous with eco-sustainability, while the absence of refrigerant greenhouse gases (i.e. gases that affect climate change) can be crucial in these times of health emergency.
Combined with the above, are the installation and management cost-efficiency and the very low energy consumption during operation; all highly appreciated by our customers.
In this article, we will take a closer look at the working philosophy of Art-Eco and how it affects the design of industrial cooling systems.
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on evaporative cooling
The right cooler in the right place
As we have seen, evaporative adiabatic coolers are rather basic machines with an operating principle inspired by a very simple natural phenomenon. However, using them to their best advantage in an industrial working environment requires considerable expertise.
In fact, each actual situation requires a different number of cooling machines and specific positioning, which must be assessed with great care in order to maximise the result throughout the area concerned. When cooling an industrial environment, it is not enough to calculate the number of adiabatic coolers required simply based on the volume to be cooled: their positioning must also be carefully assessed. Moreover, it will also be essential to assess the presence of heat sources inside the industrial hall or warehouse.
System performance and efficiency should be optimised by studying data such as room volume, crowding levels and types of processes carried out inside the area
Customer involvement to find the best solution
We are well aware that no one knows a working environment better than those working in it, which is why our design philosophy entails a particularly intense involvement of the customer when identifying the best technical solutions.
Indeed, we strongly believe that only a clear comparison of the expectations and the actual operating conditions of each company can lead to a fully efficient and effective system. Each evaporative adiabatic cooler needs special conditions in which to work at its best and can meet the requirements of areas of different volumes through flow rate adjustment. For example, our ECOOL16 and ECOOL20 coolers can mitigate the temperature of areas of up to 200 m2 while consuming approximately 850 W of power, while the ECOOL30 series consumes just 3 kW to cool areas of up to 350 m2.
The difference between our models, however, is not only related to load capacity but also and foremost to the type of installation, which can be roof-mounted, wall-mounted or free-standing on the ground, depending on specific needs and available space.
Over the years, we have designed cooling systems for many very different settings, from the classic industrial manufacturing shed to extreme environments such as steel mills and furnaces, to premises with specific characteristics, such as intensive livestock breeding farms, printing workshops or hangars. In all these projects, we had to apply our technical expertise in different ways and the customer’s input was crucial; from environmental structural analyses, to technical data on the operation of machinery, to occupancy levels.
Art-Eco always puts customer collaboration at the forefront of its activities, both during the preliminary design stage and the installation of the system, and when providing after-sales service, with planned scheduled maintenance activities. With us, you can find a way to ensure pleasant temperatures in every room and improve the working conditions of your staff!