Industrial evaporative cooling and air change
One of the strengths of evaporative adiabatic coolers over conventional refrigerant gas air conditioners is that they operate with open windows, ensuring the natural recirculation of air. This is usually a much appreciated feature in cooling systems that Art-Eco designs and installs in industrial environments, such as industrial sheds, production departments, warehouses and logistic spaces in general, because it makes it possible to eliminate unpleasant odours and pathogens.
However, there are certain industrial processes, particularly in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, that to avoid possible contamination must necessarily be performed in working environments with closed windows. To meet the needs of companies operating in these sectors, Art-Eco has developed various design solutions that reconcile the need to avoid contamination from the external environment with the need to create a pleasant microclimate for workers, in an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective manner. For us at Art-Eco, the focus of our work are, in fact, always people – who must be able to work every day in a healthy environment, with temperature and humidity levels that are optimal for their health -, and the natural environment – which must be preserved, reducing excessive energy consumption and the use of chemicals that are difficult to manage in an environmentally friendly manner.
With proper design, even in food, chemical and pharmaceutical companies cooling can be evaporative
The design of industrial cooling systems with air extractors
As we have already explained in more detail in another article in our magazine, the physical principle on which evaporative adiabatic coolers are based is completely different from that of conventional air conditioners . In essence, cooling is achieved by using simple industrial fans to push air from the outside through panels soaked with water. The air cools down and acquires the optimal characteristics to make the microclimate of the working environment in which the industrial coolers have been installed pleasant. However, it also then needs to be able to escape to the outside to make room for new cooled air and therefore maintain a constant low temperature level.
Being able to keep doors and windows open in a cooled environment is normally an advantage, both for practical reasons – in many cases, it is essential to have openings to the outside for the passage of goods and raw materials – and to prevent viruses and bacteria from proliferating in environments without air recirculation. However, should it be necessary that all the air in transit through a production department is filtered, as for example in the case of food processing plants, it must be ensured that the air change is entirely carried out artificially, so as to exclude the possibility of external contamination. For this reason, for these types of companies the projects of Art-Eco always involve the use of industrial air extractors that ensure the forced recirculation of the air in the cooled environment.
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on evaporative cooling
Convenient and eco-friendly plant coolers and extractors
The efficiency of Art-Eco industrial cooling systems in terms of well-being of workers is proven by the experiences of our many customers, even in situations where natural air change is not possible and industrial extractors must be used.
However, from the point of view of running costs, it is necessary to spend a few more words for a comparison with conventional refrigerant gas air-conditioners. As we all know, the electrical power required by air-conditioner motors is largely spent on completing the refrigeration cycle of the refrigerant fluid, which must be compressed by at least three or four times in order to complete the required heat removal during the evaporation stage.
The total electrical power of the system with air extractors remains competitive when compared to conventional air conditioning
On the other hand, channelling air from the outside, as is the case with evaporative adiabatic coolers, requires significantly less electrical power because it is essentially a matter of accelerating a gas, driving it in a particular direction, without appreciably changing its pressure. Similarly, industrial air extractors, necessary for the operation of coolers when natural air recirculation in closed environments is not feasible, require small power for their operation.
On balance, as you can see for yourself by requesting a quotation from Art-Eco, the installation and the running costs of a cooling system with air extractors are in any case significantly lower than those of traditional air conditioning, and their environmental impact, especially from the point of view of energy savings, is significantly lower than other methods of regulating the temperature in the workplace. We complete the discussion by reaffirming that the work of our designers, installers and maintenance technicians is strongly focused on achieving these two goals: improved climatic comfort for those working in industrial sheds and warehouses, and environmental protection, in the spirit of a true ecological transition that is achieved in facts rather than words.