Art-Eco supports companies that decide to take advantage of the tax benefits offered by the Transition Plan 4.0 and other public subsidies
The Italian business world has had to face numerous negative events in recent years that have slowed down its development, starting with the great economic and financial recession, and ending with the pandemic and health crisis that spread to every corner of the planet, with a double negative effect on companies all over the world.
This is why successive governments have decided to launch numerous fiscal measures, such as grants or subsidies for the purchase of new capital goods, aimed at providing aid and revitalising the entrepreneurial system as a whole, encouraging investment, digitalisation and professional training.
Our specialist financial advisory partners are available to assess every need in a personalised manner
As part of this general framework, here at Art-Eco we have decided to tangibly support all those customers who intend to install an Evaporative Cooling System. Thanks to our well-established partnership with a specialist financial consultancy company, we can help you find the most advantageous subsidies and tenders for your business.
At operational level, a feasibility study is carried out during the project definition stage, as a useful and necessary analysis for assessing that all the necessary conditions provided for by the regulations in force are met in order to take advantage of the tax benefits provided.
It should be specifically noted that among the existing incentives of particular interest are those regarding investments in new ‘Transition 4.0’ capital goods that are directly functional to the digital technological transformation of production processes, and those relating to Training 4.0 investments.
For the latter, companies that have invested in employee training activities aimed at acquiring or consolidating technological skills in the areas defined by the law, can benefit from a training bonus in the form of enhanced tax credit of up to 70 per cent for small and 50 per cent for medium-sized companies, which can be cumulated with other concessions and incentives.
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on evaporative cooling
Art-Eco cooling systems are among the subsidised capital goods within the scope of the technological transformation of companies
Being among the assets eligible for subsidies under Article 1, paragraphs 1054-1058 of Law 178 of 30/12/2020, our Evaporative Cooling Systems fulfil the requirements.
Thanks to our design support and, through partners, financial support, we are able to offer to you the most cost-effective formula for installing a tailor-made system to create the best microclimate in your working environment, limiting not only energy expenditure, but also the initial investment.