Tax benefits in the 2021 finance law
Italian Law 178 of 30.12.2020 is what is traditionally called the “finance law”. Its purpose is to define the state budget for the following year, forecasting revenues and deciding how to allocate the financial resources that are expected to be available. As everyone knows, this is a very important law, and a very complex one that affects all aspects of life in our country, particularly as far as businesses and production categories, which see changes in taxation and can enjoy investment incentives.
After the shock of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government and parliament decided to promote the New Transition Plan 4.0, i.e. a series of measures aimed at encouraging companies to invest in environmentally friendly equipment and machinery. The central idea is to trigger a true Fourth Industrial Revolution in which digitalisation, eco-sustainability and technological innovation are the guidelines that lead companies to produce in a more efficient and nature-friendly way.
Eco-sustainability and technological innovation are the requirements that allow to access the 2021 tax credit
Specifically, the 2021 Finance Law grants tax breaks for the purchase of all those assets already identified by the Industry 4.0 project and, in particular, those described in Annex A to Law 232 of 11/12/2016. Art-Eco coolers meet the requirements of the 2021 tax credit, as they belong to the category indicated under “Quality and Sustainability Assurance Systems” as “filters and systems for the treatment and recovery of water, air, oil, chemicals, and dust with systems for signalling filtering efficiency and the presence of anomalies or substances alien to the process or hazardous and integrated with the factory system, and capable of alerting operators”.
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on evaporative cooling
Why is evaporative adiabatic cooling environmentally sustainable?
Therefore, as far as the regulations are concerned, Art-Eco industrial cooling systems can be purchased by companies taking advantage of a considerable tax bonus, as they are systems that increase the environmental sustainability of the company.
Let’s now see from which points of view our evaporative adiabatic coolers have less of an impact on the environment than other systems used for regulating the microclimate inside the company, such as traditional refrigerant gas air conditioners. In another article, we have already outlined the differences in the operating process between coolers and evaporators, and so here we will only discuss the reasons why cooling is a more environmentally sustainable system.
Firstly, the energy consumption of cooling systems is much lower than that of conventional air conditioners. This is because we have electric motors operating fans that direct the air, instead of pumps compressing the refrigerant. The mechanical power, and consequently electrical power, required in the two cases is markedly different, leading to operating cost savings, and mostly to a reduction in energy consumption in line with the criteria of the Ecological Transition 4.0 plan. A second aspect that makes evaporative coolers more environmentally friendly than other workplace temperature control systems is the absence of refrigerant gas, which has a considerable environmental impact due to its production, the risk of leakage during the life of the system, and the problems associated with its disposal when the system is decommissioned.
No refrigerant gas, reduced energy consumption and a remote management app are the features that set them apart
The digital transition and Art-Eco cooling systems
Another aspect that makes Art-Eco industrial coolers eligible for the 2021 investment tax bonus is their digital technological innovation rate. The automatic adjustment of the operation of a cooling system thanks to the processing of data from probes and sensors appropriately positioned at the installation stage is, in fact, a key element for system efficiency and, therefore, for limiting consumption.
Each business in which we install our evaporative adiabatic coolers is different from the others and necessarily requires a specific and unique system design that addresses all the all issues relating to size and shape of the space to be cooled, the amount of thermal pollution due to the presence of people and machines, and the specific requirements related to the type of activity taking place in the environment. In each project, the aspects related to the automation of operation and, in particular, the man-machine relationship, are of paramount importance precisely because the purpose of our work is not only to create a pleasant microclimate in a working environment, but also to do so as efficiently as possible, which means, first and foremost, with the least possible expenditure of energy, and therefore money.
To further optimise the operation of its cooling systems and also make their extraordinary and routine maintenance easier and quicker, Art-Eco has also developed ECOOL-i,a management App for PCs, smartphones and tablets, to remotely monitor the operation of each unit in the system and adjust it easily and conveniently from anywhere. The 2021 tax bonuses are undoubtedly one more reason to think about installing Art-Eco cooling systems in your production departments, warehouses and industrial sheds, safe in the knowledge that you will receive continuous professional assistance from us, starting from the project design stage and all the way to after-sales maintenance, giving you the possibility to significantly improve the microclimate of your working environments in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner.