Specific solutions for
gyms, dance halls, arenas, churches and theatres

During the summer, social gathering venues are almost always open spaces, both because of the characteristics of the structures and because of the continuous influx of people.
Being generally very crowded, they require constant air renewal, also for health reasons, which can only be guaranteed by keeping the doors and windows open. Traditional air conditioning systems are therefore unsuitable. For churches, social gathering venues or places of worship, evaporative cooling is the optimal solution.
Depending on the type of structure, Art-Eco offers fixed or portable coolers, which by exploiting water evaporation lower temperatures by 5 to 10 degrees, whilst also ensuring constant air renewal, making the environment cooler, more comfortable and healthier.
Depending on the type of structure, Art-Eco offers fixed or portable coolers, which by exploiting water evaporation lower temperatures by 5 to 10 degrees, whilst also ensuring constant air renewal, making the environment cooler, more comfortable and healthier. The limited evaporative cooling machine and system installation costs, combined with very low running consumption levels, make this solution very cost-effective, as well as completely eco-friendly, as no refrigerant gas is used.
Watch the video of our portable coolers on youtube.it.